
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Top 10 Tips for Mastering Stress

1) Make a clear distinction between stress and pressure. Stress comes from the outside. It’s what is imposed upon us by others, such as deadlines, bills, and that jerk that cut you off in traffic. Pressure is what we tell ourselves, how we think, about the stress.
2) Give up the silly notion that you can completely reduce or eliminate the stress in life. Stress is inevitable if you are alive. The goal is to manage it well.
3) Learn to say no. It’s such a small but powerful word. Yet we take on much more than we can reasonably handle when we don’t say no. Picture this scene from an old Mel Brooks film - Brooks is in a medieval dungeon being tortured by being placed on a stone table with a board on top of him, covering his body. Stones are being placed on the increasing the pressure on him. Here’s the punchline for our purposes - Brooks is yelling “more weight, more weight, give me more weight.” Learn how to say NO!
4) Stop trying to eat a pizza in one bite! In other words, break down large stressful events or projects into manageable sizes.
5) Rest. Rest. Rest some more. According to the story, even God rested one day out of seven. Not a bad model to follow. Or how about these sage words from Lily Tomlin - “For fast acting relief, try slowing down.”
6) Watch your language! Pay attention to the language you use when thinking about the stress in your life. This applies to how you talk to yourself about stress - “I’ll never get all this done!”, as well as to how you define situations - “This is the worst thing that could possibly happen, and besides, it’s not fair!”
7) Guard how many things you allow to pull on your time and on your mind. I have a theory that our culture has gone insane and we just haven’t realized it yet. We have allowed so much stress, demands and have to’s into our life that we fail to realize it’s not normal or healthy. It’s a frog in the pot situation - place a frog in boiling water and he’ll do his very best to get right out. But place the same frog in a pot of water at room temperature, and then slowly turn up the heat. He’ll cook. Be careful how much you take on and allow into your life.
8) Make a list of all the things you like to do for fun. Then consider how many you have done lately. After you get over the shock, pick one and go do it.
9) Get organized. You will live longer and easier. If you say that you are too busy to get organized, then I thank you for proving my point. I’m not an organized person by nature. I’m lucky that Lauren has the gift of organization. If you don’t know how to organize, get help from someone who does.
10) Use these suggestions. Don’t just read this column, smile, say that makes sense and then walk away. Taking action, doing something about it, is one of the most powerful stress management tools available.
Implementing just one of these ten tips will help you to master stress. I wonder what would happen if you used all ten?
Visit for more leading edge tips and tools for writing articles that bring you prospects, publicity and profits. You can also subscribe to our monthly Article Writing & Marketing Tips Newsletter. You are also invited to visit my Express-Start Article Writing Program for more information on the next article writing tele-seminar.
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8 Steps To Success - Defeating Self-Negativity

It is easier said than done... Negativity has been a barrier to health, wealth, success in relationships, and life satisfaction for most people at some point in our lives. Currently, there seems to be a "feeding frenzy" for positive self-help information and wisdom such as the "Secret" which is a very simplistic and easy interpretation of the message that positive thoughts (and positive expectations) lead to positive results.
I am not saying that I disagree. I am saying that this positive pursuit often requires, time energy, SUPPORT, and discipline. Most people seem to fall short of these necessary ingredients and then negativity is empowered to win the struggle in life.
It is well researched that negative thoughts, fear, anger, and depression can lead to health challenges and even premature death. On the opposite extreme, positive thoughts, positive actions, stress management, and support can lead to better results in health challenges, as in the case of women support groups increasing survival rates for women with breast cancers.
Whether you want success in improving your health, your wealth, your relationship satisfaction, or your career path, most people will benefit from 8 Steps to Success:
1. Positive Attitude-Positive Self-Talk:Even if negativity grabs your attention, refocus on the positive. Do not let self-limitations steal your dreams. (This is easier said than done and requires perseverance.) Along the way, crush denial and let go of your belief that you can succeed alone...)
2. Support: Get a coach, a mentor, a master-mind group, a "positive" friend or family member to help you to focus your positive thoughts and energy on YOUR dreams.
3. Regular Exercise:Getting regular exercise clears your mind, grounds out negativity, and improves your health.
4. Regular Stress Management:Controls stress, anxiety, fears, and negative attitudes. It takes time but will save time in the long run. (Get coaching or support if you have not found the best way to practice stress management that is effective for YOU.)
5. Eat Well... the Best Diet you can afford will help.Without proper nutrition, it is difficult to get your positive energies moving in the right direction.
6. Targeted-Specific AND Achievable Goals:Realistic goals are important (but do not suffer from self-limited thinking, get input/feedback from supportive, successful mentors/coaches.) Set time limits and build achievable steps to accomplish major goals.
7. Build in Positive Rewards to help keep you on target.Even your small steps will build momentum toward success if you celebrate your achievements with positive rewards. (You do not have spend big money to celebrate. Find ways of rewarding your successes that have special meaning or value to you.)
8. Maintain Your Motivation:If you were honest about setting goals that create a "burning" feeling within you, then your motivation is much easier to maintain. If your goals were created externally or imposed on you, then these may be more challenging to maintain. Find the passion and revisit this passion on a regular basis...
These steps will not solve all your issues with fears of success or make the process EASY, but they will help lead you to your life goals if you follow them.
Wishing you all the success that you desire....
L. John Mason, Ph.D. is the author of the best selling "Guide to Stress Reduction." Since 1977, he has offered Success & Executive Coaching and Training.
Please visit the Stress Education Center's website at Stress, Stress Management, Coaching, and Training for articles, free ezine signup, and learn about the new telecourses that are available. If you would like information or a targeted proposal for training or coaching, please contact us at (360) 593-3833.
If you are looking to promote your training or coaching career, please investigate the Professional Stress Management Training and Certification Program for a secondary source of income or as career path.
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Stress Managment and Mastery: Progress vs. Perfection

David Bowie once sang, "Ch-ch-changes, tryin' to face the strain."
And though working on changes in our lives can be difficult at times, it really doesn't have to be such a strain.
Where did we get the notion that change has to be such a struggle? And what would it be like if we could make change easier?
That's what I have spent most of my career doing, finding the simplest, fastest and most effective ways to help people get the changes they want and need.
With that in mind, let's look at one of the major roadblocks to achieving lasting change, and then look at what to do about it.
Perfection vs. Progress
The failure to understand the important distinction between perfection and progress is a major stumbling block to lasting change.
Far too many people get stuck in demanding perfection from themselves and from others.
This leaves little or no room for appreciating the progress that might be happening.
So let's take a look and discover whether you are demanding perfection or appreciating progress. And then most importantly, how to focus on progress.
Demanding Perfection
So many people are stuck in the myth that in order to change, you have to do it perfectly, with no slip-ups. That's just not reality.
Here are some signs that you may be stuck in demanding perfection:
If you slip up just once, i.e., you go off your diet for one night, you say the heck with it and trash the whole plan.
You feel constantly defeated when trying to change.
You try to change too much all at once. There is just no way to get rid of 30 pounds in one month without amputation.
Appreciating Progress
Even the smallest amount of progress is still progress. It's still change. Here's how to focus on appreciating the progress:
Celebrate all improvements, even the smallest changes.
If a change looks too big to accomplish, break it down into smaller, more manageable parts, i.e. Just for today, I will ...
Do a little bit more, go a little bit further, each day.
There's the story of a middle-aged man who decided to take up running. The first day, he could only make it past his own house before he had to stop. The next day he went one house further, the next day another house further and so on. In less than a year, he entered and completed a marathon - that's 26-plus miles.
Recognize the process of change. Most folks think that once they learn something new, the changes happen all at once. Sometimes that's true, but more often change happens in four stages:
1. You learn some new skills, but do the same old thing that doesn't work again.
2. You catch yourself in the middle of doing the same old thing that doesn't work, stop and then do something new and different.
3. You stop yourself before you do the same old thing that doesn't work, and do something new and different.
4. You just naturally do something new and different.
Change does not have to be a strain, or even very difficult at all. You just have to enjoy the progress and keep at it.
Remember, in the battle between the rock and the river, the river always wins because the river just keeps at it.
For more tips and tools for stress management and stress mastery visit Tools for Successful Living
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Pyscho Neuro Endo- Immunology PNEI - A Key To Reducing Stress

Pyscho Neuro Endo- Immunology the study of how psychological factors influence the nervous hormonal and immune systems and gives clues to how stress affects both our mental and physical being.
Pyscho Neuro Endo- Immunology can help our overall wellbeing in many ways but here, we are going to look at from the point of view of diet and the reduction of stress.
If you suffer from low sex drive, insomnia, anxiety attacks, are constantly tired and have an inability to concentrate, then you need to take a look first at your diet to help you cope with stress.
Magnesium gives energy, balances blood sugar levels and regulates blood pressure – Which all come under pressure when were under stress.
Keeping Magnesium levels up will help maintain balance. Around 55% of people are deficient in this mineral so make sure you get plenty of it.
Leafy green vegetables, wholgrains and pulses will provide it; if you don’t get enough consider a supplement
We take caffeine as an instant pick me up and the more you take the more you want as the body becomes immune to it – while it picks you up short term, it saps energy levels longer term and makes you feel drained.
Never drink caffeine in the morning before you have eaten.
Drink later on a full stomach and limit your intake to 3 cups per day. Try and wean yourself off caffeine and substitute green and herbal teas instead.
Eat Regularly
You need this to keep your blood sugar levels balanced and energy levels on an even keel. Try three main meals (never skip breakfast) and keep fruit to hand if you want a healthy snack.
Vitamin Boost
Coristol is the stress hormone and to keep it in check you need to feed it plenty of vitamin B (Mostly B5) and also significant amounts of vitamin C.
Make sure you get plenty and good healthy choices each day are for B5 are:
Eggs, fish, meat, lentils, Soya, brown rice and oats
For vitamin C go for:
Orange juice, peppers broccoli cabbage tomatoes and any citrus fruits
Cut Out These Stress Foods
Alcohol, smoking recreational drugs, smoking and cafeine mentioned earlier - they are all short term pick me ups but longer term can cause havoc with blood sugar levels, your mood and your sleep patterns.
Cut out refined foods and foods full of sugar and try and eat as “naturally from the earth” as you can.
You are what you eat!
Stress affects all of us to varying degrees and the study Pyscho Neuro Endo- Immunology can help you come to terms with it in a number of different ways, which we will look at further in other articles in this series.
Diet is a great place to start dealing with stress, as it will help you cope with the daily stresses that modern living throws at all of us.
Pyscho Neuro Endo- Immunology proves conclusively that if you eat the right foods, your mental and physical wellbeing will be improved. So follow the tips above and get on the road to a healthier lifestyle.
On all aspects of self improvment and stress management visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at
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Controlling Anxiety During Pregnancy for a Safer and Healthier Labor and Delivery

Pregnancy can be stressful and especially difficult if you are anxious, sensitive, nervous, high-strung, tense, or prone to panic. It is a time in your life when you are more vulnerable and this reduced level of control can add to your perceptions of stress and anxiety. Emotional responses can cause physical changes that can negatively affect your pregnancy. Conversely, effective stress management can promote the health and well being of the mother and the developing baby. Anxiety can help create conditions which may cause premature labor, reduced weight of baby, slow labor and delivery, and possible contribute to complications for the labor and birth.
Practicing stress management, and possibly temperature training biofeedback, as early in the pregnancy as possible, will help to minimize the negative impact of stress and anxiety on the pregnancy and labor/delivery. Consider the following suggestions on controlling the effects of panic and anxiety.
Symptoms of panic and anxiety can be confused with life threatening physical disorders! Please consult your physician to determine the source of your symptoms.
These devastating occurrences of panic or anxiety can negatively affect your day to day quality of life. But this is not news for anyone suffering from this terrible disorder. Millions of people live in fear of these "attacks." Major transitions, trauma, and stress can lead to feelings of little or no control over one's life! This can affect people in major ways.
A scary symptom which can develop is called Panic (or Panic Attack.) A panic episode can come on suddenly or can awaken you from your sleep with a nasty feeling of apprehension. Some people believe that they are having a heart attack because often there is chest pain, a shortness of breath, neck or arm pain, major stomach upset, an adrenaline rush, lightheadedness, dizziness, and other unpleasant feelings of fear and apprehension. These feelings can be triggered by specific events such as: driving (getting stuck in traffic), shopping, waiting in lines at stores, banks, post offices, etc, feeling trapped in church/movies/classes, traveling distances from home (especially flying, etc.), making a presentation in front of a group of people (drawing attention toward yourself), doing new or unfamiliar activities, meeting new people, basically, doing anything new or seemingly stressful where you may fear "LOSING CONTROL."
Loss of control is the main feature that makes this so frightening for the people who suffer from panic and anxiety. We may not know a panic sufferer by looking at him or her because they can maintain such good control that unless we were to look very carefully we might not notice the nervousness below the surface.
Heart problems, chest pain, and respiratory difficulties(hyperventilation and dizziness are common symptoms of panic/anxiety attacks) should be carefully examined by your physician! If no heart related problem exists, but you are still in great fear of these occurrences of panic then the following behavioral program, with practice, will greatly aid you in preventing or at least minimizing the episodes of panic. Also, remember that exciting/positive actions or events can raise your heartrate. This excitement is not bad or life threatening, but you fear of the physical symptoms of excitement can really hamper your enjoyment of life!
The keys to controlling panic and anxiety are:
1. Breathe slowly/diaphragmatically 2. Remain in the present... in your body, in a positive way 3. Positive self-talk... not negative ruminations 4. Avoid caffeine and stimulants 5. Regular aerobic exercise 6. Regular deep relaxation with Biofeedback Temperature monitoring... Learn to warm your hands and feet 7. Use relaxation tapes/CD's regularly! 8. Get support in confronting and then desensitizing yourself to fears/phobias 9. Taper your anti-anxiety medication after you have mastered the relaxation-biofeedback
1. Learn to breathe diaphragmatically
A) Place a hand over your upper abdomen 1. Push it OUT as you inhale 2. Let in move IN as you exhale
B) Let your chest, shoulder, neck, and back relax as you breathe Only on a very deep breath should these parts move in the breath. This may be the most important Panic Control Technique you can learn!
2. Use any of the Stress Management tapes/CD's, especially, #205 Stress Management for Controlling Panic and Anxiety or the #201 Stress Management for Prenatal Care from the Stress Education Center’s Health Series, 1-3 times per day for 8-12 weeks. Or make your own tape from the exercises in this book. (You may wish to order a copy of any of the tapes available from the Stress Education Center, if so, check the order form in the back of the book or on the tape page of this website (the #205 is strongly recommended for panic/anxiety control).) If you do not have an audio tape or CD for relaxation yet, then the general indirect relaxation which is discussed in a separate article Relaxation is recommended or use any other deep relaxation from the book, Guide to Stress Reduction, or any other deeply relaxing tape/CD or exercise that you may have available.
After achieving a level of controlled deep relaxation, repeat suggestions of "control," especially control of slow, regular breathing and slow regular heart rate. Suggestions of "letting go" to help achieve hand and foot warming, along with any visualizations that can encourage this increase of peripheral blood flow, would be very useful, as well. Use some sort of temperature training biofeedback device on your hands to learn how to warm your hands with relaxation. When you can consistently get above 90 degrees Fahrenheit (93-95 degrees is ideal) then you can begin to master warming your feet to 90 degrees. See the article on temperature training at the Stress Education Center’s website. When you can "let go" by relaxing and warming your hands and feet, you will be able to control if not prevent your panic episodes. Then you must develop the confidence in your control so the fear of panic will not control your life.
3. Regular exercise will help you to work off the effects of life's stresses. If you are pregnant, you may want to get some professional assistance building an appropriate exercise program. 3-5 times per week of regular exercise that can elevate your heart rate for 15-45 minutes would be best. Check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program if you have been inactive for a long while. Even though elevating your heart rate can be a little scary, the release of tensions and the strengthening of your cardiovascular system will have great benefits.
4. Eat regular meals. Low fat and complex carbohydrates are better than fast foods with lots of sugar. AVOID CAFFEINE and other stimulants. Caffeine is found in coffee, black teas, cola drinks, chocolate, some over-the-counter pain medications, and other foods/drugs. Read labels. Eating as closely as you can to natural foods (lots of: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc.) will benefit any one.
5. Practice positive self-talk. Do not let your fears escalate into you losing control of your body and your mind. By breathing slowly and staying in your body, in present time, you avoid falling into the negative pattern of fear and panic.
6. Get support from your friends, doctor, and a therapist if necessary. Check your area for panic/anxiety support or treatment groups! Regular use of anti-anxiety medications may be better than just taking your prescription only after the panic has begun. Reduce your medication in a supervised way after you have mastered the relaxation/biofeedback control techniques.
Remember you can get back in control of your body and your life! You must make this a priority so you can avoid being a victim to this set of scary symptoms.
Panic/anxiety is not always your enemy. This reaction is designed to protect you and may teach you something about the stresses and transitions you are going through. Denial of these challenges only creates a more stubborn set of symptoms that can be more debilitating.
Other good books that can help you learn more about panic or anxiety:
David Barlow, Ph.D. and Jerome Cerny, Psychological Treatment of Panic, Guilford Press, New York. 1988.
Susan Lark, MD, Anxiety & Stress: A Self-Help Program, Westchester Publishing Company, Los Altos, CA. 1993
L. John Mason, Ph.D. is the author of the best selling "Guide to Stress Reduction." Since 1977, he has offered Executive Coaching and Training.
Please visit the Stress Education Center's website at Stress, Stress Management, Coaching, and Training for articles, free ezine signup, and learn about the new telecourses that are available. If you would like information or a targeted proposal for training or coaching, please contact us at (360) 593-3833.
If you are looking to promote your training or coaching career, please investigate the Professional Stress Management Training and Certification Program for a secondary source of income or as career path.
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Stress Management Videos

In today’s world stress is an omnipresent factor. It pervades almost every aspect of modern life. Stress-related diseases represent an ever-increasing share of health care expenditures. Over the years, the experts have devised several techniques to combat stress. Some of them include:
• Yoga• Deep breathing techniques• Taking breaks and finding effective support systems. • Other methods of healing like Reiki, Pranic healing etc,
However these things are easier said than done. Often a stressed out person fails to find a remedy to his stress problems and consequently becomes even more stressed. It is here that these videos have an important role to play. Not only do they teach people how to manage stress but also, at times, make them aware of symptoms of stress and what stress is.
Who should buy stress management videos:
• Any individual who is feeling stressed• Any individual undergoing treatment for stress/depression• Corporations for training their employees to cope with stress.
Advantages of stress management videos:
• You can see them at your convenience in your own home • They are a step-by step guide to relaxation• The stress management videos teach you to identify symptoms of stress.
Content/Program of stress management videos:
A stress management video usually presents strategies and techniques that can help prevent stress from accumulating to potentially harmful levels. The video also discusses how to manage any stress you have by changing attitudes in order to prevent greater levels of stress. The program includes:
• How a stressor becomes a symptom, • The signs and symptoms of stress, • The sources of stress: How to identify them • Common coping strategies that can help you prevent stress• Intense coping strategies for managing stress.
Characteristic features of the video:
1. Soothing music: This feature of the stress management video will help you to relax while you do your exercises. It has been proven that music can do wonders in combating stress. The stress management videos use this feature to its best advantage.
2. Beautiful pictures: Landscapes and other beautifully soothing pictures in the stress management video help one to do the visualization exercises that can enable one to relieve stress.
3. Time management techniques: In most cases, stress occurs due to ineffective time management. These stress management videos teach you to manage time effectively, balance life and therefore reduce stress.
Where can you shop for them?
The best place to shop for them is online. There are numerous websites that offer stress management videos and you can just shop online. Leading book and music shops will also have stress management videos. The prices vary according to the length and content of the program. Usually they are in the range $10 to $ 500. You can look for them in video parlors as well. You can buy a membership and select any video of your choice. After seeing it, they can be returned. Your friends can provide you with great tips on stress videos. You may take their suggestions and get the video from any online store or parlor.
John Furnem is a dot com veteran, specializing in human resources and work psychology he has written articles and held workshops/seminars for stress relief and stress management. John currently writes Stress Management Videos Articles.
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Addicted to Drama and Pain? 5 Ways to Stress Proof Your Life

I grew up with lots of stress, on a day to day basis. It became a natural feeling to have stress buttons on alert and positioned to fire. In the beginning, it made me feel vulnerable to release the hair trigger stress buttons, and bring them to a neutral position. As a child, my body had been accustomed to stress chemicals, and I was addicted to their toxic high. Follow my formula below, that I found to create a way back to health, and manage my stress.
*Commit. Make a commitment to be present throughout your day, and take your reactions off auto-pilot. In order to change you must learn your stress buttons, and acknowledge how stressed you are.
*Learn. Enroll yourself in a stress management class. This could be a breathing class or yoga class. You must lean how to allow yourself to relax and make it a new habit.
*Change. To invite change into your life you must be committed and want to accomplish change. It takes 21 days to create a new habit. It will not happen without awareness of what you want and a commitment to make it happen.
*Accomplish. Find a role model for what you would like to accomplish it will help you to stay focused. Chances are if you have always been stressed, overwhelmed and a constant worrier, you will find those people around you as friends, family and co-workers. You will need a role model who is not your normal friendship.
*Succeed. You will find you life becoming healthier, happier, and more successful than you ever dreamed.
These five steps to manage stress can be applied through a spiritual retreat. Click here to find more stress management tools and information on our year round retreats for stress mangagement.
© copyright by Annie B Lawrence, Ph.D, CHT. Author of Love's Secret Live Your Life In Love, and co-author of 101 Ways to Improve Your Health. Love's Secret was awarded Finalist in Self Help Relationship by USA Book News.
Find Love's Secret here Retreat and Heal offers year round spiritual retreats for individuals, couples, groups and corporate retreats. Annie offers phone consultations to clients world wide for couples coaching and spiritual life coaching sessions.
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